Mass IP Address Locator is a windows freeware utility which can convert any IP address to country name, in short it is a bulk ip2country utility. Mass IP Address Locator supports conversion of IP Addresses to country in a bulk, along with country, country code is also generated.The conversion process is multi-threaded hence it is very fast. The generated result can be exported to a file.This utility can be used in applications such as log analysis where it is necessary to know the country name of a IP Address for the purpose of tracking.
- Easy to use tabbed interface.
- Ultra fast!
- Convert Thousands of IP Addresses to its respective Countries at once.
- No need for an active internet connection during conversion (works offline).
- Multi-threaded, so it is very fast.
- Generated result can be saved to a csv file (comma separated values).
- Along with country names country codes are also generated.
System Requirements:
- Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or higher,
- .Net Framework 3.5 or higher,
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